About Us

Nutritionist’s should always eat perfectly

Hairdressers should always have good hair days

Financial planners should never have money problems

Educators should never have kids with learning challenges

…..You get the idea

These are the expectations for professionals in their chosen field. I’m sure you can think of something that fits your career or lifestyle as well.

But this is just not reality

The standard holds us high and we feel like failures if we have challenges or struggle. We save face and pretend that we are all put together.


Let me drop a truth bomb 
-- We are human –


News flash 

We aren’t perfect, and I’m okay with that.


As Wellness Coach, I fall off the wagon, I eat cookies, miss workouts and burn out. If I never had my own challenges, I would never be able to relate to my clients.

I would never know what it feels like to gain weight, eat emotionally, or reach my goals after overcoming some pretty big-to-me mental barriers.

I want you to know I got you. Mess and all. Because I’ve been there.
I have felt the pain of what you may be going through.


I have felt the internal struggle,
And it is BECAUSE I have been there and am not perfect, I am a better coach for it.

Are you ready? Ready to 
STOP giving up on yourself!

I help moms in their 40's  who feel overwhelmed and overextended achieve time freedom, balanced energy and elevated finances.

Feel your soul's nudge?



We all need support right now. 

Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Employees, Leaders, Teachers, Preachers and Moms

Wellness Quiz 


Set yourself up for the week ahead. Be sure to download your FREE habit tracker, and be a PART of our on-line community Celebrate Everything  group.


 FYI – Here are my common hashtags 
#asksonya #thinkdifferently #mindset #inpsiredlife #coaching #healthyhabits #happiness #yougotthis #gratitude#energy #goalsetting #passion #wellness #truth #motivation #health #inspiration #food #power #strength #bootcamp #fitnessboxing #fatloss #inspiredlife #nutritioncoaching #lifecoaching#healthyhabits #makelifeeasier #growandglow #graceandgratitude #celebrateeverything #ldnon #liveyourbestlife #beamazing #smilefromtheinside #weighlosschallenge2020 #uplevelandelevateyourlife #mealsinminutes #movement #mindset #simplepleasures #starttoday #whywait #whatlightsyouup #moreenergyandmorejoy #asksonya  #emotionallyinspired #betruetoyou #getunstuckgetstarted #wellnessstrategycoach #healthylifestyle #dreamcatcher #lifecoaching #balancingact #thinkdifferently #liveyourbestlife